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Damn girl, look at this confirmed list

Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here’s what’s new with us: One year ago, we told you that we are going to dismantle the disinformation economy. But we never told you what we meant by “we.” Sure, there’s we at Check My Ads. We watch the pipelines

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Google Ads has become a massive dark money operation

Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here’s what’s new with us: Ever wonder how Google Ads divvies up your ad campaign? The answer is simple. Some of it goes to Google. The rest of it goes to the “sellers” — people who sell ad space on the

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How Procter & Gamble ended up funding Steve Bannon’s War Room

Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here’s what’s new with us: UPDATE (10/12/22): We can confirm that P&G has dropped WeatherNation from their media buy. In a statement, the company said: “We do have strict guidelines to ensure our brands and advertising content is not placed alongside

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We’re ready to break the Fox News machine

For months before the 2020 election, Fox News stoked doubt and fear about the integrity of America’s election system. Now they are working overtime to fuel the next insurrection. The content on points toward only one direction: more doubt, more fear, and more political violence in 2024. If all this feels like a horror

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Who let Charlie Kirk sneak into your ad budget?

Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here’s what’s new with us: On January 6th, 2022 — exactly one year after the Capitol Hill insurrection — the lights went out on CharlieKirk(.)com. And by lights, we mean ads. Seemingly overnight, household brands like Lululemon and BET vanished. All

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Dan Bongino is begging to be cancelled

Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here’s what’s new with us: The launch of Check My Ads Institute has freaked out a lot of people, but none more than the current focus of its work: Dan Bongino. His influential disinformation outlet has just one play in its

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